Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Weekend Walls

Just a quick update because I dont have too much time. Weekends are the worst. I find that they are the hardest to keep on track for. I like to sleep in a little bit, so I wake up at a time between breakfast and lunch, which means I usually skip one of those meals. Then we either go to a friends house for a BBQ, or last weekend we went to a baseball game and met friends for food first, followed by more food at the game. So far, most of my weight loss has come from diet alone, and a diet I have fallen off track a bit. I need to start incorporating fitness and cardio into my work out as well. To do that Im going to have to make some tough sacrifices. I think thats the problem I have right now. There is only so much time in a day. As of right now, this is my daily schedule. Wake up at 6:30 and head to work. Work until 6pm home by 6:30. Make dinner with the wife, and eat it at the coffee table while starting to watch the shows we recorded from the night before. Watch TV from 7 to 9. The wife goes to sleep around 9:30 (she is pregnant - Due date FAST approaching), and I go into another room and play video games until about 11. Then to bed. Repeat. watching TV is one of the only things my wife and I get time to do together right now, with her being 8 months pregnant. Im too worn out by 9pm to hit the gym. What do I do? Do I skip the video games (which I have been playing since I was a little child), go to bed early with the wife, wake up at 5am and work out for an hour? I am sooooo not a morning person. Do I try getting home earlier. Am I working too much? Im salary so its not like I get paid any extra for being there. There is just A LOT to do, or do I procrastinate at work too much, like im doing right now, and would be able to leave after an 8 hour shift if I worked harder. Wow, that would be awesome to be home by 4pm each day. If I was home at 4pm. I would work out until 5:30, home and shower, then start dinner for when the wife gets home which is usually right at 6pm. and then continue on with life as usual. So, I need to work smarter. What am I doing still on Blogger? Im out! By the way, I weight 242.1 as of this morning.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

June 7th - 243.3

I hate the scale.

I find myself being afraid when I step on it, Im also standing there thinking - well, I did have fries the other day, so Im sure it will be right back up to 250 now. But alas, its dropping.

To be honest, I dont feel like Im doing anything really different. Im just really thoughtful about how many calories a day Im eating. I have also recognized my "temptations". Snacks. I thought it was my lunches before, and granted, I did eat shit for lunches, but on average they were not that bad, maybe 400 more calories for a lunch than Im eating now. Snacks are the worst. chips and salsa or guacamole, or just some cheese on crackers or something - gets me. I started to realize the calories in just a handful of chips. my snacks were turning into more calories than my actual meals.

The worst was when my wife left this weekend, and I was home alone. So what do I do? I sit in my boxes and play video games all day. Hell ya! I got a few beers, made myself some nachos, and had a kick ass Saturday. 2800 calories later it was not the best Saturday weight wise, but hell - who cares.

One thing to note. Im doing alot of stuff without cheese. I find that cheese is just an extra topping that can be done without, and also adds to pointless calories. Is a burger still just as good without the cheese? I think so, maybe not AS good, but still good. Sandwiches the same. There isnt really anything I can think of where I would say - yep, Cheese makes this. Without Cheese its crap. So, im doing it without cheese.

Exercise. I havnt done much of it so far. I do job walks durring the day that takes an hour, but I havnt found time to go to the gym yet. My daily schedule is, wake up at 6:30, at work by 7:30, work till 5:30, home at 6. Eat at 7. watch some TV till 10 with the wife. She goes to bed, I stay up till 11 playing some video games. Repeat.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

May 31st

Started today off with breakfast at Subway on my way into the office. I got a foot-long egg-white and Ham on wheat. No cheese, small amount of mustard, and lots of veggies. I was surprised to see this was around 650 calories. I use right now to count with, does anyone else have anything better? This means I have 850 left for the entire day, unless I get to the gym and work out what I eat more than.

Tonight is going to be hard though. My buddy is having BBQ for his birthday. Oh yeah, it kinda sucks. My friends are all really really really active in shape people. Most are in the armed forces, and that tell me they do crazy stuff like run 10 miles a day. My friend Allan yesturday told me he planned a light run for himself that day, 3 miles to the beach and back home, but when he got to the beach he saw some girls running and he wanted to run with or near them for a bit, and then another group of hotter girls ran by him, and he could let any girls run faster than him so he started running harder, until he found himself in the next city 16 miles he ran. 8 there and back. My other friend Matt, we were hanging out at the beach and he decided to take a run. He came back what felt like 2 hours later after running 5 miles down the beach and 5 back... in the sand. So sick. But hey, they are basically paid to keep themselves in top condition, so Im not hating on it. They have tried to get me to work out with them, or run on the beach with them, but its kinda lame when Im jogging along at what I feel is a fast pace and they are running zig zags in the sand so they still run "with" me. lol. I need to get in better shape. But more on that later.

Im still pumped. Lets do this. What I've learned so far - eat the 6" instead of the 1' long. Save some calories for yourself later in the day.

Monday May 30th

Monday May 30th was the day I set to be my first day. I woke up and had an open faced tuna sandwich with light non fat mayo for breakfast. I went on a 2.5 mile hike. Came home and made and shared a Jamba Juice make it yourself smoothie and 1 pita with some hummus. Went to see a movie (Hangover 2), and then went to Islands and had a Turkey Burger on a wheat bun...with fries. I dont know calories that well, but my guess is 350 for the tuna sandwich, 120 for the jamba juice, 120 for the 1 pita and hummus, and 1100 for the turkey burger and fries for a total of 1,690. Not terrible, I know I should not of eaten the fries, and to be honest, I dont know if those calories are accurate. But here comes the worst part. As we are leaving Islands, the wife says, "your daughter wants something at Dairy Queen, pull in there" meaning she was having a pregnant craving. Well... she got excited I was going to come in with her which I normally just wait for her to get it and come back to the car...and I fail on day 1. I got a small blizzard. 600 calories. For a total of 2,290. I also ate a handful of strawberries and some cherry tomatoes throughout the day.

So - as I was writing this I did some research from the Internet and found out how many calories my body burns a day (I know this could be off by a bit). Using the Harris-Benedict Formula, my BMR is 2,341. My activity level is probably a little less than Lightly Active, so I will say its a 30% multiplyer (702), and my digestion calories are 304. So my total daily caloric expenditure is 3,347. Is that right? It seems crazy. Can someone out there help me out? haha. So, does that mean my body burns 3,350 calories day right now? Is that really how much Im eating? It doesnt make sense. So, if I want to loose 2 lbs a week, I need to intake 1,000 calories less than 3,350 so 2,350? So, even with the Blizzard I ate I still hit my goal of 2lbs a week? It seems too easy, and also doesn't make sense as to why I haven't lost weight already. Well, maybe I was eating a lot more than I thought. Lets plan it out. If I can limit myself to a net of 1,500 calories a day including exercise my weekly intake would be 10,500 which is 12,950 calories under what my body burns a week which is around 3.5 lbs a week. My goal is to loose 55 lbs which at that pace would take me about 16 weeks. This is the first week. The end of September is around when I will hit my goal. When my daughter is born in the middle of August I will have lost near 35 lbs. Now, I also know that as you get skinner, the daily calorie burn gets smaller so I have to work out more. I understand that, but I think I can do it. Lets loose some weight.


249.7 is my starting weight. I'm 28 years old, and 6'1" tall and I dont like the way I look anymore. Ive tried diets before, well... that's not really fair to the diets, I should say I THOUGHT about diets before and tried to be more aware of the food Im putting in my mouth, but I often fell off within a day or two. I havnt narrowed it down to what the cause is, to be honest. One problem I know is that I eat a lot of fast food, but I dont really LIKE fast food. I feel sick after eating Jack in the Box or McDonalds. Then why do I eat there? Because its fast. I feel like i have such little time durring the day with how busy I am at work to actually prepare a meal, or take more than 5 minutes to run down to the nearest drive through, start eating on my way back, and be finished or only have 1 burger left when I sit in my chair. Oh, that brings me to another point. I eat too much when I do eat. I know I do. Somedays I will try to be good and grab a sandwich at Subway, tell them to hold the mayo, and feel better about my lunch option, but as I drive away I find myself going through the Jack in the Box drive through for curly fries and feel like a fat ass as I eat them on my way back to work so no one sees when I get there. Yeah, I guess I do have a problem.

If someone asked me to describe myself, I dont know if the word active would come up. I could say without a doubt that it would have earlier in my life, but I'm not so sure now. I would describe myself now as... quick witted, funny, intelligent, hard working, married, soon to be father, video gamer, enjoys cooking but rarely does it, a sucker for terrible reality TV (which my wife watches but I cant turn away from... I tell her its like a train wreck that you cant help but look at), and... lets see... I dont sleep very well. There, that about sums me up. I get to work between 7:30 and 8:30am (I should be there around 7:00 - 7:30), I work until around 6pm, I get home around 6:30. We have dinner, sit down at 7:00 to watch some TV and our recorded shows from the night/week earlier, and then the wife goes to bed at 10pm and I play video games until midnight. Go to sleep. Repeat.

Ive been married for 2 1/2 years. I love my wife. We are expecting a child in August, a girl. Sympathy weight is a bitch and real. I gained about 15 pounds since she has been pregnant. I don't know if its from the extra eating we are doing, or the lack of exercise and activities we are able to do, or I'm sure both. I dont blame all the weight I've gained on my wife, but I was 185lbs when I met her 5 years ago, and now I've hit the 250 mark. My goal weight is 190-195, but In all honest, I don't care what I weight, I just want to feel and look healthy. I want to say my wife is supportive of me trying to loose weight, but when I told her I'm going to do it FOR REAL this time, she just said - OK, good luck. As in, I know you will be eating a double bacon ultimate cheeseburger by the end of the week. Its OK though, I know she wants me to loose it, and I know she has tried to nag and nag me about it in the past. Maybe she is just trying a different approach with me now. Either way, this is something I need to do on my own - and of course with the internets. Hi internets.

I actually "started" this weight loss diet/exercise yesterday - May 30th, 2011. I'm not sure the format I will use for this blog, or what Im going to say, but I figured it might help me and keep me motivated. Even if no one reads this, its still something I can use. So... here we go.